The most effective diet

Currently, the desire to lose weight is inherent in a large number of people in the world. The fair sex is very jealous of this. However, often a person needs to lose weight not only for aesthetic purposes, but also to improve health. After all, people withfatas a result of metabolic disorders, they experience exacerbation of chronic diseases, deterioration in well -being and decreased quality of life. Often, in these cases, people are looking for one that is truly effectivedietfor strong weight loss, its effectiveness has been proven empirically.

The list of weight loss diets that are practiced is very large. But everyone who wants to lose extra pounds wants to find the fastest and most effective diet to get results as quickly as possible and in turn maintain it. How to find out what is the fastest and most effective diet for weight loss, how many pounds can be lost on a particular nutritional system, and whether a fast and effective diet guarantees good health and retention of results, will be discussed in this article.

How to choose a diet?

When choosing one or another system for rapid weight loss, you must first be aware of the following: an express diet with strict rules allows you to lose weight quickly, but does not lead to long -term results. The essence of such a nutritional system is rapid weight loss due to a significant reduction in the number of calories consumed. Therefore, everyone who is looking not only to lose a few pounds, but to lose weight forever, should gradually switch to proper nutrition.

For those who want to get quick results, there are also some rules to keep in mind to keep the diet as comfortable and easy as possible:

  • The most correct thing is to choose a diet, product (or main product) that is as accessible as possible. In fact, often mono-diets are based on one product. On a mono-diet, weight loss is more active, but at the same time the body does not receive the necessary substances, because the diet is unbalanced.
  • It is better to stick to a diet that does not use overly complicated recipes and menus. In this case, you should not spend too much time in the kitchen, and, thus, there will be little temptation to eat something forbidden.
  • The right way out of the diet is important. Ideally, one should gradually switch to proper nutrition.

10 most effective diets for weight loss

You can find out dietary ratings for weight loss in terms of effectiveness on different sources, and such ratings, as a rule, differ from each other. But the diet described below is actually effective, and this has been confirmed by experience. By adhering to it, you can get the desired results in a relatively short time.


kefir diet for weight loss

This is a rather difficult diet, but, according to reviews and observations, you can get great results on it. But it is not recommended to use it for a long time. You can plan to unload kefir for 2 days. But you cannot stick to such a diet for more than 5 days.

Kefir is a useful product, the use of which contributes not only to weight loss, but also to the improvement of the gastrointestinal tract, general cleansing of the body, recoverymicroflorausus.

You can use several options for such a diet.

  • The first is a mono-diet, in which one and a half liters of kefir should be eaten throughout the day. It is taken in 5-6 doses. This body unloading is designed for 3 days. Three-day use of kefir makes it possible to lose weight by 2-3 kg.
  • The second option-the amount of kefir remains the same, while during the day a person can consume about 700 g of sweet fruits and vegetables. This is a fairly effective diet for 5 days. By adhering to this principle, you can effectively cleanse the body and lose weight by 3-4 kg. True, such a diet for 5 days is not the easiest, and only completely healthy people can follow it.
  • The third option provides a replacement of kefir days and days when he takes regular food. This is a relatively loose system, so you can stick to it for longer. For a week on this scheme, it turned out to lose about 3-4 kg.


The Kremlin diet for weight loss

A relatively loose system where a person can lose up to 5 kg a week. Accordingly, it will take about a month and a half to lose 15 kg of weight. At the same time, over time, the speed of weight loss does not stop, but, on the contrary, is activated.

The essence of the "Kremlin" nutritional system is to minimize the consumption of carbohydrates, as a result of which the body begins to use fat reserves. At the same time, protein foods, even in relatively impressive quantities, do not lead to weight gain.

The most important principleThe Kremlin diet- Do not eat sugar in any form. But meat, fish, eggs, cheese, low-carbohydrate vegetables can be eaten without restrictions. To determine how dangerous the product is in terms of weight gain, a special table helps, which displays the "points" of each product. One point corresponds to one gram of carbohydrate in 100 g of product. In the process of observing the "Kremlin" you should try not to eat 3-4 hours before bedtime. To lose weight, you should consume foods that "pull" 40 points or less each day. To maintain weight - no more than 60 points.

No carbs

no carbohydrate diet for weight loss

The principle of this system is to minimize the amount of starch and sugar intake in the body. It is important to limit the amount of sugar, fruits (except citrus fruits), potatoes, pastries, dairy products, cereals, fats, flour, alcohol. But meat, cheese, fish, chicken, vegetables, berries, citrus fruits can be eaten freely.

There are some more important rules that are important to follow when adhering to such a diet. You can only fry food in olive oil; you should eat at least 5 times a day in small portions; after eating, you should not drink liquids for half an hour; 3 hours before bedtime should not eat.

Such a diet can be followed for a long time - it is designed for a month or for a longer period.


It is safe to say that this is a simple diet, but very effective, while quite economical. At its core, it is arguably a mono-diet. It is designed for 2 weeks, and during this time you can lose even 10 kg. However, it is quite difficult to stick to such a diet for so long, therefore, as a rule,diet roompractice all week.

In the process of following this diet, active cleansing of the body takes place, the condition of the skin improves. At the same time, buckwheat is a product that gives a feeling of satiety, so it is quite easy to adhere to such a system. True, it is often impossible to observe: at least a month of rest must elapse between feeding periods.

To prepare food for the day, you need a glass of buckwheat for the night, pour 2 cups of boiling water. It is not necessary to boil the cereal, because it will swell enough overnight. You need to eat cereals without salt and spices. You can also drink about 1 liter of low-fat kefir throughout the day. Throughout the day, you can eat as much buckwheat as you want.

There are also less stringent options for such a diet, when, in addition to buckwheat, it is allowed to eat citrus fruits and drink low -fat yogurt. During such a diet, it is important to take a multivitamin, because with a mono diet, an insufficient amount of substances enters the body. After the expiration of the consumption of buckwheat, you should continue to eat in moderation, and ideally, switch to a proper diet.


apple diet for weight loss

Losing weight on such a diet is very easy, while it is easy and inexpensive. In addition to active weight loss, a "bonus" with such a diet a person receives normalization of metabolic processes and cleansing of the body. It is very useful to arrange a fasting day of apples - for 1-2 days you need to eat only apples. Such unloading is very useful for hypertensive patients, and is also a good method of prevention.atherosclerosis.

The apple diet provides for the use of apples and kefir. Each serving, which should be 5-6 during the day, should include one apple and half a glass of kefir. This diet is designed for 4 days, during which you can lose 3-4 kg. During this period, you can also drink green tea without sugar. If it is very difficult to withstand such a diet, you can eat 1-2 crackers of rye bread.


Such a system is designed for a week, a maximum of 10 days. The essence of this eating pattern is to consume such liquid and juicy foods. The basis of the diet are soups, liquid cereals, sour milk dishes, soups. At one time, you should eat no more than 200 ml of food. This is a gentle system that does not endanger health. With this diet, you can lose weight by 4-5 kg.

Time lapse

time interval diet for weight loss

Quite effective and at the same time, probably the simplest fat burning system. Consequently, for three days you have to eat only boiled rice, the next three days - only lean meat, another three days - vegetables. Rice days allow you to cleanse the body, but you need salt when eaten minimally. On protein days, the body receives a sufficient amount of calories. Vegetable day provides an opportunity to restore the active work of the digestive system. As a result, in 9 days it turns out to lose 9-10 kg.


Probably not the cheapest, but a simple diet. That means drinking 2 liters of juice from vegetables or fruits throughout the day. It is recommended to drink pomegranate, pineapple, lemon, apple, pumpkin, cucumber, cabbage, tomato juice. You shouldn’t stick to it for long - the system is designed for a few days. At the same time, kilograms disappear quickly.

juice diet for weight loss

A variation of this diet is a food system where you only need to consume green juice. Now such a diet is actively popularized by Hollywood stars, claiming that it is very effective. The essence of this scheme is to consume green juices and smoothies throughout the diet period. You can prepare drinks such as lime, cabbage, various vegetables, apples, celery, zucchini. If hunger bothers you during the day, you can eat some fruit. It is believed that such a drink is very useful, because it contains a lotfolic acid,antioxidants, vitamin. It can be either a three -day or weekly diet. You can lose 4-5 kg during this period.

"By the hour"

Given the best weight loss system, you can also see a relatively new weight loss scheme in the evaluation. An hourly diet will help not only lose weight, but also bring it back to normalmetabolism. This is a fairly effective diet for 7 days, but you can follow it longer. At the same time, in 7 days you can lose 5 extra pounds, in 2 weeks you can lose up to 10 kg.

An hourly diet is very effective, provided one adheres to a prescribed menu, consuming food strictly according to the hour. For a week, a special scheme is provided, compliance with which makes it possible to lose up to 5 kg. After that, the person has to eat as usual for 10 days. At the same time, it is important to exclude most non -diet foods - sweet and starchy foods.

The menu might look like this:

  • 7. 00 - coffee or tea without sugar;
  • 9. 00 - carrots;
  • 11. 00 - apple or pear;
  • 13. 00 - 100 g of fish or boiled meat, rye crackers;
  • 15. 00 - boiled eggs;
  • 17. 00 - vegetable salad;
  • 19. 00 - 10 dried fruit - dried apricots or prunes;
  • 21. 00 - a glass of low -fat kefir.


This diet, or rather, the nutritional system, is not as fast as before, but its effectiveness lies in the fact that the lost pounds will not return. After all, a person is gradually switching to a healthy diet. Such a system is suitable for weight loss of 20 kg and more. But such a system should be followed for a long time - it is designed for at least 4 weeks, a maximum of six months.

The essence of such a system is as follows:

  • You should have breakfast with carbohydrate foods, while breakfast should be quite dense.
  • Dinner should be a protein dish, portions should be small. After dinner, at least 4 hours should pass before bedtime.
  • Sweets and flour should be completely excluded. It is allowed to eat no more than 30 g of dark chocolate per day.
  • Cooking should be steamed or eaten boiled food. Their recipes are simple, but quite varied. Spicy, fatty and fried foods are allowed only as an exception.
  • Fiber must be added to the menu. It can be bought at the pharmacy and eaten with yogurt or kefir.
  • Grapefruit and celery should always be on the menu. This product should be used for snacks between main meals.

With such a diet, a person loses weight gradually, but at the same time it is possible to maintain the result, as evidenced by reviews and photos.

An effective diet: reviews and results

There are other relatively effective nutrition systems practiced by those who want to lose weight fast. For example, many reviews that every weight loss forum is rich in show that weight loss is fast on a mono-diet. But you can’t stick to them for long, because along with weight loss, you can also experience a decline in well -being. But in general, reading the reviews of those who have lost weight, we can conclude that for each person the "most" diet is determined individually. Many people who initially ask: "Tell me a diet", end up determining which is most effective for them, having tried different nutritional systems. After all, it is important that a person not only actively loses weight, but at the same time feels as comfortable as possible.

But in general, in many reviews it is noted that on an express diet you can lose up to 3-4 kg in 3 days. If you stick to a strict diet system longer, then the results can be even more impressive.

But it is important not only to maintain a diet, but also to go out smoothly, and then eat properly. Only in this case it is possible to maintain weight, set the result.